Regulators & Memberships
AFS Group subsidiaries AFS Interest, AFS Execution services and AFS E-Venues operate under supervision of the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and are in the possession of all required licences of the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). AFS Group also has memberships of the ICMA (International Capital Market Association), ACI Nederland (The Financial Markets Association). The company is also a participant in DSI (Dutch Securities Institute) and its traders have been registered at DSI. The activities of the Zurich branch are regulated by the FINMA.
Permits Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)
Investment firm license, with:
investment activity: b Georganiseerde handelsfaciliteit (OTF)
investment services: b Uitvoeren orders voor rekening cliënten
d Beleggingsadvies
f Plaatsen zonder plaatsingsgarantie
Ancillary services: c Bedrijfsadvisering
*Memberships are Dutch so they are also written in Dutch
Execution & custody departments Investment firm license, with
investment services: a Ontvangen en doorgeven orders
b Uitvoeren orders voor rekening cliënten
d Beleggingsadvies
ancillary services a Bewaring
b Krediet verlening
d Valutawisseldiensten
*Memberships are Dutch so they are also written in Dutch
Investment firm license, with:
investment activity: c Multilaterale handelsfaciliteit (MTF)
Permit Swiss Financial Market Supervisory (FINMA)
license as a Securities Dealer
Reporting member to Six – Swiss Exchange.
Finma Code = 251832ThE
Branch Memberships
Participant numbers:
AFS Execution Services B.V: 3110
AFS Interest BV, department Interest : 3211
AFS Interest BV, department
Fixed Income:17640
Company member Nederland
International Capital Market Association
Administered under number 56.7384
Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association
Holland Fintech
Vereniging Vermogensbeheerders & Adviseurs
Exchange Memberships
Eurex Exchange is an international exchange which primarily offers trading in European based derivatives. It is the largest European futures and options market. The products traded on this exchange vary from German and Swiss debt instruments to European stocks and various stock indexes.
Euronext Exchange is a pan-European bourse that offers various trading and post-trade services. Traded assets include regulated equities, exchange-traded funds, warrants and certificates, bonds, derivatives, commodities, foreign exchange as well as indices
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. is an American company formed in 2000 that operates global financial exchanges and clearing houses and provides mortgage technology, data and listing services.