OTF Rate Card
AFS Interest OTF rate card
-Repo’sGC a maximum of 2 basis points over the nominal value of the transaction peryear
-Repo’snon-GC a maximum of 5 basis points over the nominal value of the transactionper year
- Repo’sSpecials a maximum of 10 basis points over the nominal value of the transactionper year
Interest rates derivatives:·
- Interest Rate Swaps G11 currencies a maximum of 1 basis point over the nominal value of the fixed leg per year
- Interest Rate Swaps non-G11 currencies a maximum of 2 basis point over the nominal value of the fixed leg per year
- Forward Rate Agreements G11 currencies a maximum of 1 basis point over the nomina lvalue of the fixed leg per year
- Forward Rate Agreements non-G11 currencies a maximum of 2 basis point over the nominal value of the fixed leg per year
Forex Exchange (FX):
- FX spot G11 currencies a maximum of €50, – per €1mio nominal value
- FX forwards G11 currencies up to one month a maximum of €10, – per €1mio nominal value
- FX forwards G11 currencies up to three month a maximum of €25, – per €1mio nominal value
- FX forwards G11 currencies up to one year a maximum of €50, – per €1mio nominal value
- FX forwards G11 currencies over one year a maximum of €100, – per €1mio nominal value
- FX spot non-G11 currencies a maximum of €100, – per €1mio nominal value
- FX forwards non-G11 currencies up to one month a maximum of €25, – per €1mionominal value
- FX forwards non-G11 currencies up to three month a maximum of €50, – per €1mionominal value
- FX forwards non-G11 currencies up to one year a maximum of €100, – per €1mionominal value
- FX forwards non-G11 currencies over one year a maximum of €250, – per €1mionominal value
Money Market debt securities:
- Treasury-Bills in G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 4 cent spread over thenominal value of the transaction
- Treasury-Bills in non-G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 6 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Treasury-Bills in G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 6 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Treasury-Bills in non-G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 10 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Commercial Paper & Certificate of Deposit in G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 5 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Commercial Paper & Certificate of Deposit in non-G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 8 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Commercial Paper & Certificate of Deposit in G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 8 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Commercial Paper & Certificate of Deposit in non-G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 12 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Bonds (maturity < 1 year) in G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 4cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Bonds (maturity < 1 year) in non-G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 6 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Bonds(maturity < 1 year) in G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 8 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
- Bonds(maturity < 1 year) in non-G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 10 cent spread over the nominal value of the transaction
Capital Market (maturity >1year) debt securities:
- Government Bonds in G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 3 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Government Bonds in non-G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 4 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Government Bonds in G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 5 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Government Bonds in non-G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 6 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- SSA Bonds in G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 3 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- SSA Bonds in non-G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 4 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- SSA Bonds in G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 6 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year·
- SSA Bonds in non-G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 8 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Covered Bonds in G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 4 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Covered Bonds in non-G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 5 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Covered Bonds in G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 8 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Covered Bonds in non-G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 10 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Financials Bonds in G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 5 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Financials Bonds in non-G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 6 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Financials Bonds in G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 8 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Financials Bonds in non-G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 10 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Corporate Bonds in G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 5 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Corporate Bonds in non-G11 currency, minimum single A rated, a maximum of 7.5 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Corporate Bonds in G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 10 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Corporate Bonds in non-G11 currency, lower than single A rated, a maximum of 15 basis points spread over the nominal value of the transaction per year
- Illiquid bonds (junk bonds, issue size under €200mio, 10% or more from the issue size)tailored spreads.