Market data Policy
This policy contains information on the provision of Market Data by AFS Interest B.V. (hereinafter also known as: AFS) in relation to its transparency obligations under MIFID II. It includes a summary of the main terms and conditions that apply to the provision of Market Data on behalf of AFS.
AFS has officially received its license to operate as an Organized Trading Facility (OTF) under MiFID II. Being able to operate as an OTF allows AFS to have a valuable role in realizing the main objectives under MiFID II. Specifically, to offer greater investor protection and increase transparency into several asset classes. MiFID II requires AFS to report and record market data including pricing information as part of its record-keeping and transaction reporting obligations.
AFS is using the Approved Publication Arrangements (APA) provided by Una Vista Trade Echo B.V. toper form transaction publication where required. The publication can refer to pre and post trade information. MIFID II requires the identification of those involved in the decision and execution process of a transaction. Whether an individual or a group of people make the decision to trade, the firm or venue must report the one person considered to have primary responsibility for the transaction.
We publish all the transaction information in the APA and each data record contains information such as Agreement Time and Date, Publication Time, ISIN to uniquely identify the financial instrument, Price(and currency), Volume and all by MIFID II required information.